Monday, October 12, 2015


Hello everyone! This week has been amazing! I'm going to split everything up by days cuz I'm OCD like that...
So it's pretty awesome because a lot of people in Reno speak Spanish. So we were out contacting less active members and we came to this apartment and asked if this one lady lived there. The lady told us she didn't speak English so I just started up a conversation in Spanish with her. She could definitely tell I was a gringo but whatever. I got her information and everything and asked her if Spanish missionaries could come by and see her and she said yes. So yay referrals for them!
First off, we had bacon cheeseburgers for dinner. It was delicious but sadly I didn't eat all of it. While that's enough of a miracle for one day, other cool stuff did happen. We were just walking through as missionaries do and this guy walked by us and we asked how he was. He said he was sad and we asked if we could pray with him. He asked us to come with him to his apartment, and then we had a lesson with him. He told us that he was pretty sure God sent us to him and that he thinks he's ready to learn more about what we believe. He knew enough English to have a conversation but we gave him to the Spanish sisters. So yay more referrals for them!
I also figured out that I like teaching math teachers. We got to the end of the lesson with this lady and I asked her to say the closing prayer. She said she's not good at praying. I said that if there was one thing I learned in math class it was that if you wanted to get good at math you do math. The words were barely out of my mouth before she started saying a prayer.
We went to the temple! It was amazing! The temple in Reno has a beautiful view. It's up in the mountains and it's so pretty! I loved being able to go in and feel so much peace and love :)
Later on that day we had some problems. This lady ended up having to give us a ride home from our dinner appointment. The problem was that she gave us so many leftovers and extra food that we couldn't possibly carry them home. So I guess that's a good problem to have :) Reno's really trying to make me fat...I mean, she gave us a ton of cheesecake. I'm gonna get sooo fat.
The good thing is that we started doing morning program as a zone on Wednesday. We have 12-14 of us that come every morning and play sports for about half an hour or so. It's super fun!
We taught some awesome investigators on Thursday! But this letter is getting lengthy so I'll spare you on details.
We met a drunk guy on Friday! I need to get better at recognizing when people are drunk cuz I may or may not have had no idea...we had a pretty good lesson with him but I don't think he remembers it at this point.
We also taught English twice on Friday! #fiesta. We taught this lady from the Philippines and then this hispanic guy that's trying to learn English. The second time was more fun because I got to practice some Spanish at the same time :)
WE ATE APPLEBEE'S!! Sorry, anyone that knows me knows I love Applebee's. A member took us out and it was quite tasty :)
We had fast Sunday! Guess who accidentally ate a bagel Sunday morning :( Anyway, I got to meet my ward for the first time and well umm my ward is pretty much all elderly people. Anyway, we were nearing the end of fast and testimony meeting and Bishop got up and said that he forgot to announce that there was a new sister in the ward and that he'd like me to come up and introduce myself and bear my testimony. So for those of you wondering, that's the first time I've ever born my testimony in sacrament meeting before.

My ward is pretty awesome! I love Reno so much and Sister Johnson is amazing! Missions are so much fun and I'm enjoying it more and more each day! Also, thank you Sarah Egendoerfer for the package that I got! :) I realized last week that it was Rachel Weiss and Sarah that had sent that to me, so thanks a ton girls :) Have a fantastic week everybody!
Love and miss y'all! :)
Sister Ashley Gootee :) 

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