Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hola :)

Hello :) This week was pretty great! It went by super fast and I can't believe it's already been a whole week since I emailed last.
I'll start off with some quotes from this week:
We were out contacting and we both felt like we should go knock on this door. The lady came to the door and the conversation was something like this:
Sister Johnson: Hi, we're missionaries and we were wondering if there was anyone that you knew that might need some service.
Lady: Oh I knew it was Wednesday. No thank you. **walks away**
We spent the rest of the day confused and trying to figure out what the heck is so special about Wednesday. The only thing that we can think of is that she thought we were Jehovah Witnesses and that maybe they only come around once a week. We considered going back on Friday and trying again just to confuse her 
Later that day, we were in a lesson. The person we were teaching had gone in the other room for a minute and Sister Johnson saw a Mr. Potato Head hat sitting there next to us.
Sister Johnson: Every time I see this, I think of baptism.....Did I really just say that?
Me: It's a sign.
Sister Johnson: I meant Toy Story...
To make a longish story short, we committed her to baptism. #fiesta
We had a super fun Chili Cook-off/Trunk or Treat activity on Friday! There were close to 200 people that came to it. I love how much this ward gets involved in the ward activities and how friendly everyone is! We even got to hand out candy from the trunk of our car and we ended up running out of candy (partly because there were a ton more kids than we were expecting but mainly because we're poor missionaries but I digress). I'm so glad that we got to go and that I've been able to meet more people in the ward! 
On Sunday we got to go to the Air Force National Guard base. We held a sacrament meeting with them and it was super cool! There were only 4 people from the base that came but we had a great service! And it was awesome because the member of the stake presidency came forgot to bring bread. So we improvised and took the sacrament with donuts. I'm not complaining! :)
A lot of people speak Spanish here, so that's kinda a struggle because a) we have to give them to the Spanish hermanas to teach and 2) literally every time I speak in Spanish to people I forget how to say the name of the church. I can carry a conversation with them and get their basic info but apparently remembering the church's name is too much to ask. Anyway, we've been teaching A LOT lately. Like I've never had numbers this high before on my mission. In the last two weeks we have taught over 50 lessons. It's definitely a lot different being in Reno than in Spring Creek. If we would've taught 50 lessons in Spring Creek, we would've taught half the town (ok, not quite, but it'd be a lot). It's amazing how many people we have to teach here. It's also been great to get to work with the different members of the ward and see who they know. It definitely helps the missionaries out when you know people that they're trying to contact :) don't forget to help the missionaries however you can!

Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

P.S. New things sobre mi:
I hardly ever straighten my hair anymore...weird...
I drink more Coke than Mountain Dew now (be proud, you know you are :) )
I ate broccoli and cheese soup (twice) this week (again, be proud)
By the time 9:30 rolls around, I am so ready for bed!
I drank a whole half liter of chocolate milk this week...sad to call that a great improvement
I'm almost finished with Alma!!! #fiesta

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