Saturday, January 30, 2016


Hello! This week was a little bit slower than last week. It was still a great week though!
On Monday we had an intervention. To all of your surprise, it was not for me, it was for our investigator's son's girlfriend...anyway she's drunk every time we go over so we took the Addiction Recovery Program missionaries with us. That was interesting.
We stopped by and invited one of the boys that we're teaching to mutual on Tuesday night and he came! We were so excited! He had so much fun! And it was awesome because while we were there in the gym with all the youth, we found out that this other kid that we teach, Reece, was there as well. We found out when we looked over and saw his mom, who is a member that hasn't been in quite a while. It turns out that the family that has been their main fellowshippers invited them to scouts that night. We were so excited because Reece hasn't even been to church in our ward before! And then the same family brought him to church on Sunday as well. We were so excited! Oh and he's going to be baptized in a little less than a month :) :) we're so excited for him!
On Wednesday we had dinner with Brother Sanchez. He's the guy that takes us out at least once a month to nice restaurants. This time we went to Ramono's Maccaroni Grill. I, of course, ordered a ton of pasta! Any of you that know me know that I actually ordered pizza. Also, update on food. In the last 2 weeks I've had Thai food twice, pasta, rice, curry, pasta, sliders, rice, this Mexican lasagna type thing, rice, pulled pork, and burgers. Update: still allergic to soy sauce :( yay...I just wanted to say how delicious burgers are. And that you all should be proud of me because a majority of the things in that list I just made I never ate before my mission.
Anyway, since all I talk about in my emails is food, I'll actually talk about missionary work now (I know, surprising right?). Something that we've noticed is that when we're doing all that we can to talk with everyone and are working hard all the time, Heavenly Father blesses us. Even when it seems like talking with everyone we see is completely ineffective and no one wants to talk with us, the weeks that we are better at that we see more miracles come our way. This week we really focused on talking with everyone we saw. This Sunday when we went to church, we got a new investigator. Seriously, she came up to us and asked if we could teach her. So that was pretty awesome. It's crazy because that seems to happen quite a bit in this ward. When we're working hard, we don't see a ton of success in a while and then Heavenly Father just hands us someone to teach. No complaints here.
Anyways not a ton going on here. Have a great week! Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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