Saturday, January 9, 2016


Hello everyone! Happy new year!
This week was pretty great! I'm trying to remember what happened because I left my planner at home I guess  -_- ugh oh well.
Let's see what I actually remember from this week. On Tuesday I learned to start the car when you're parked with the light on. Our car kinda sorta died. And it was super stressful because we were parked at an apartment complex that we're not overly familiar with and there were cars on either side of us so it would've been really hard to jump start the car. The miracle that happened was that we just happened to be parked right in front of an active family's apartment. They quickly came out to help us figure out how to fix our car! The next miracle was that they were parked right next to us. So they turned their car around, they hooked up the cables (cuz y'all know I have no idea how to do that) and they helped us jump start our car. We didn't even end up missing any of our appointments and we got home relatively on time.
We've been working with the bishop here a lot and trying to figure out who actually lives at the addresses in the ward directory. We're finding that the ward is smaller than we thought. Printed out our ward directory is 30 pages, so around 600 members, with 150 tops being active. This week we got a new copy of the directory and even after moving in 20 people or so in the last week we cut an entire page off the directory because of move-outs. (This is why we do our visiting and home teaching, guys. Just kidding, that's not the only reason. The real reason is that we all covenanted to do that...but anyway...tangent aside...) Definitely a bit of a transitional ward. Also a very "newly wed-nearly dead" ward. We did have 4 young men there this week to bless and pass the sacrament! That was pretty cool.
On Wednesday morning we had a lesson with our Mandarin speaking investigator and the South Meadows elders. We decided to give him to the elders as one of the elders is a Visa waiter and is waiting to go to Taiwan. I definitely understood pretty much nothing during that lesson, which is why I'm pretty glad someone who speaks Mandarin will be teaching him now.
That day we also all had interviews with President Chesnut. Turns out that I didn't learn anything new about my release date but I'll keep y'all posted on when I find out. It was great though because I love getting to talk to the Chesnuts!
The other day we had a super crazy street contact...about half the people in the main area that we do a lot of street contacting only speak Spanish. So I started talking to this lady the other day in Spanish and it turns out she's crazy. I actually zoned out through most of it. The spirit was so far gone that I think the gift of tongues was working against me so that I wouldn't have to endure that. She was singing to us some song from her hymn book and called me a sinner for wearing earrings and necklaces and for saying prayers with people in the street. I think her exact words were "Jesucristo no likee." She also told me that she was Jesus Christ so I think it's just her that doesn't like that stuff...Anyway after she sang the hymn I said something about how I liked how the hymn said that God loves all of us and she just responded with 'no'. Some people, no matter how many times you try, are incredibly hard to get away from. And the crazy thing was that she was waiting for the bus. You would think eventually the bus would end our conversation but we stood there for at least 5 minutes and no buses came by. People here are crazy.
Anyway thinking about more sane people...we went by to see one of the people that we are teaching and she said it wasn't a good time because she was having contractions. She hasn't had the baby yet but we're just waiting for the baby to come :)
This week we had our companionship inventory and it got pretty deep. One of my goals I made was to budget my money so that I wouldn't keep running out of money by the end of the month. Sister Gali then told me that the reason I don't budget is that I like curly fries. That's probably about 10000% true....
This next week is pretty slow. Well kinda. I mean we have a baptism this weekend so that's pretty cool. We've got this super solid guy that we've been teaching for probably about a month now. We're pretty excited for Saturday!
Well I guess I remembered more than I thought I would. But there's not much else that I can really think of this week. I hope you all have a great week!
Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee

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