Monday, July 27, 2015

Another week down!

Ok so I forgot to say some stuffs about Spring Creek last week when I emailed. So I'll try to review...
So the first week it rained a ton. And rain here isn't like Indiana rain. Here the rain drops are humungous and they hurt when they hit you. Also, when you look out the window, it looks like monsoon season. The rain smells like mint here which is very strange...
The days it hasn't rained it's been pretty nice. The weather has been pretty good with a lot of days in the high of 80s and lows of 50s. The first night it didn't rain I got to watch the sunset over the mountains, which is awesome with the Ruby Mountains! It's so cool! The mountains kinda change colors. You'll have to look at some pictures on Google. Also, you can see the stars really well here! That's the benefit of living in the middle of nowhere.
Speaking of the middle of nowhere, I said I was from Indiana and lived close to Indianapolis and someone was like "oh so that's a lot like Nevada, with not a ton of people." I had to correct them...there's a little bit of a difference as Indianapolis has a greater population than the state of Nevada.
By the way, you all should do your visiting and home teaching.
Also, along with everyone and their mother owning a dog, everyone here works in the mines. It's crazy! They all have super crazy schedules!
Oh, I forgot to mention, home and visiting teaching are super important.
I've taught over 20 lessons since I got here! It's crazy. We've been teaching a lot of less active members and a few investigators :) We have some solid investigators! We've also had dinner appointments every night and aside from getting fed salad almost every night it's been great :)
Oh wow, can't believe I almost forgot, but visiting teaching and home teaching are really really really important.  Most wards have about 300 people in the ward. We have 300 households. It's kinda impossible for me and Sister Torres to go and visit everyone, so we're trying to motivate the ward to visit and home teach more. The awesome thing is, if you can't get ahold of someone you're home and visiting teaching, ask the missionaries to go with you! They'd love to help :)
Anyway, that's all that I can really think of for this week. It is with great pain that I ask you all to send me Dominos and Subway gift cards if you are wanting to send me stuff. I feel disgusted saying that, but that's all they have here.

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