Monday, July 27, 2015

Already a month?

Hello everyone! I've been out a month now, which is super crazy because it doesn't feel like I've been in Nevada for 3 weeks already! It really is true that the days are weeks and the weeks are days :) Every time I get to Saturday I'm like "oh wait, I guess it's not Tuesday."
Anyway, I'll try to update you guys on things from this week and things I've forgotten to mention. So, Sister Torres is awesome. We're laughing pretty much all the time. The other night we went to a relief society activity and there was so much cake and sugar so I may have been a tad sugar high for a few minutes. But we laughed pretty much the whole activity because we're both pretty much the funniest people ever (I mean, you all already knew that about me :) ), and I think the relief society may think we're crazy now. But oh well.
We've also learned to laugh at people who reject us. Some people are terrible liars. I mean terrible. Especially considering for some reason many people in Spring Creek have their last name somewhere on their porch, we can tell if you're lying about who you are. Also, if you change your story 3 times in our 2 minute conversation, you may need to work on your lying. Or meet with the missionaries so you can give up your habit of lying. The latter is preferred :)
Sister Torres is awesome though. I didn't mention this before, but she's a convert and joined the church when she was 15. She decided while she was taking the discussions that she wanted to go on a mission.
My district is pretty cool too. We do morning program everyday, which is us exercising at 6:30 in the morning. There are 8 people in our district and usually we have 6 of us there at morning program.
Something cool I learned this week is about (you guessed it) visiting and home teaching!!! Aren't y'all so glad I'm teaching you so much about it? :) So anyway, visiting and home teaching isn't a calling it's a commission. So not to be blunt or anything, but we've kinda all covenanted with God that we'd do it so ya know, we should do it. It's kinda a big deal...
Anyways, there may be more dogs than people in Spring Creek. This last week we had 5 dogs in our house. The Baileys have 2 chihuahuas that are the most pampered things in the universe. No but really, they don't get fed dog food, they probably get fed better than I do, which is saying something. The Baileys were also watching their kids' two dogs last week. They're a lot bigger than chihuahuas and they stayed outside cuz for some reason chihuahuas and big dogs don't get along. They also had this dog that was the most adorable dog I've ever seen (no, but really, I would pet her and stuff! I drew the line when she licked me. I haven't pet her since then...). Her name's Ruby and she's adorable but I've never heard anyone or any dog snore as loud as she does.
Last week we were doing our nightly planning and Ruby came up and Sister Torres was petting her. When she left we realized she was sitting on Sister Torres's planner and there was a little drippage left over after....We laughed a lot, mainly because it wasn't my planner. No one would have been laughing then.
Anyway, here's some things I will not be doing after my mission:
-Waking up at 6 in the morning. Or anytime before 8:30 unless my life depends on it.
-Exercising at 6:30 in the morning. You'll be lucky to get me to exercise any time before noon after my mission.
-Owning a dog. Those things are annoying. Sorry guys, haven't gotten over that on my mission.
-Washing a car in a dress. We'll see if I wash cars by hand after my mission, but I'll definitely not be wearing proselyting clothes to do it after my mission.
-Eating salad. Or noodles. Like, ever. That stuff's gross.
Anyway I'm having a great time! It's been going by pretty fast and we've been busy all the time! And no worries, I'm being fed every day for dinner and I've been cooking on my George Foreman grill for lunch :) No complaints here!

Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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