Monday, August 10, 2015

Not Dead Yet

Wow this was a pretty slow week! I'll try to come up with some interesting things as not much happened.
Well, Sister Torres and I got into a car accident on Thursday. No worries, we are absolutely fine! Someone ran a stop sign and hit the front right side of our car, so our car is kinda sorta totalled. The amazing thing is that if we were going a little bit faster or if he pulled out a little bit later then he would have hit me instead of just getting the car. It's definitely a miracle that there wasn't even a scratch on me!
Sister Torres and I were a little slap happy afterwards. We kept joking around on the side of the road and it was actually pretty fun. I really wanted to ask the other guy if he'd ever run into missionaries before but I didn't think I could say it with a straight face.
There were a lot of people freaking out after because they just heard that we were in an accident but didn't know details. We called Elder Zappe, the vehicle coordinator, as soon as it happened and then President Chesnut called us that night. The sister training leaders and district leader were also making sure we were ok. So no worries, we're pretty well taken care of!
As I said earlier, our car, Bertha, died. However, as we are sister missionaries, Elder Zappe drove the 5 hour drive to Spring Creek to give us our new truck! Well, new to us. We named it Bell, after the Baileys' little chihuaha. And it was super nice because we only had to go one day without a car.
Other than the car accident, not much else happened this week. I mean, I guess I got food poisoning. Apparently people aren't supposed to feed you undercooked chicken. Who knew? So ya, I was sick for a whole day after and every time I would eat I would get sick. I came to the realization that if I didn't eat, then I wouldn't get sick :) Unfortunately, I've heard food is a necessity for life. So that night I got a blessing so that I'd be able to keep food down. It was awesome because when I got home I ate some food (fried chicken, cuz I was starving and fried chicken is delicious) and didn't get sick at all! So that was definitely a miracle!
As I mentioned last time, I tutored a girl in math last week. She passed her test so that's pretty awesome!
We also got 4 or 5 new investigators this week! To give some perspective, we got 2 new ones in the first month of my mission. So that's pretty awesome!
I'm also going to be sending a picture of one of the girls that is in a family that we've been teaching. Her name is Lizzie and she's pretty awesome!
Also, my hatred for dogs is growing. The other day we went to a house and their dog licked and bit my legs for half an hour. I literally put hand sanitizer all over my legs when we got in the car. Another time a dog wiped it's nose on my skirt. So disgusting. I can't handle dogs
Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee

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