Monday, August 24, 2015

2 months?!

Maybe I coulda been a little clearer in my last email, so I'll try to clear some things up. Sister Torres and I did this object lesson on faith that is usually pretty cool. I hold this tea bag standing up in my hand and Sister Torres takes a lighter and lights the top of it. The bag burns and gets insanely close to my hand and gets really hot and then it flies away. Well, ideally that's what happens. This time it just kinda fell over in my hand and burned there until I dropped it on the floor. Sorry if yall were hoping I ran across a crazy person's house :)
This week I started biking. It's not as terrible of an experience as it seems and it is better than walking. And let me tell ya, that bike helmet really completes the outfit. I'll definitely have to bike in a skirt with my helmet more often when I'm home!
This week we had the most amazing miracle ever! I GOT TO EAT PIZZA! Can we just all take a moment to appreciate pizza? I'm sorry, I've not had it since the MTC and I don't think anyone understands how excited I was to eat pizza even if it was the most overpriced pizza ever. I also got some ice cream cake at one of our dinners this week (which was delicious!) and even went through some oreos and mountain dew.
Man I was so tired this week. I'm pretty sure I dozed off a couple times during one lesson this week. Oops. This is why we shouldn't leave the lights really dim and sit on a super comfy couch.
I'm pretty sure I'm getting old. I keep forgetting things all the time. Like not mission related things, but stuff like I can't remember what all 3 of the unforgivable curses are!? Like seriously, who forgets that?! It also took me 10 minutes the other day to remember one of my friend's names.
It's been a little foggy here lately. Apparently there are a ton of fires in Washington and Idaho and maybe Nevada..? I'm not sure exactly but sometimes we can't see the mountains because of the smog.
Update: last week I ate zuchini and squash and this week I ate some cabbage. My review: I imagine that to be what nail polish remover tastes like.
Also, if you haven't seen Elder Holland's Mormon Message "Testimony of the Book of Mormon" then you need to repent and watch it. Ok, maybe that's a little extreme but really you need to watch it cuz it's a pretty awesome video!
I'm probably the only one that noticed, but today's my birthday! Well, my mission birthday. I've now been on my mission for 2 months! Crazy right? I bought myself a cupcake in celebration. Any excuse to eat cupcakes is a good excuse.

Here is my address for those of you that were looking for it:
233 Croydon Ct
Spring Creek, NV 89815
And here's my phone number:
317-446-5688 ;) ya that'll totally work

The helmet really does look great, doesn't it?

 Here's a picture from last Monday when President Chesnut came by and surprised us! It was for sure a surprise because the mission office is about 5 hours from Spring Creek.

Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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