Monday, September 14, 2015


Hello all!
This week was a pretty great week. We've been out knocking on lots of doors and have been finding quite a few people to teach! Well, not every time we knock on the door is a great experience. I've learned a lot about what different drugs smell like so that's been an interesting experience! 
I've clearly been teaching Sister Torres a lot. When people ask us what we want for dinners and such she's been requesting burgers! It's been a great change :) Considering she was vegan before her mission, I'm going to consider this the biggest accomplishment of my life. We've had steak a couple times in the last couple weeks and I've learned that steak is really good! Also, our ward mission leader, Brother Hadley, is pretty awesome. He got our dinner calendar filled for the whole month! We're pretty excited about that :)
The other day we were teaching a lesson on an awesome member's porch. Sister Torres was talking when suddenly she started freaking out. She then pointed out to us this spider web. Apparently she had flicked a fly right into a spider web and she was watching the spider jump on the bug and wrap it in a web. We're both a little ADD when it comes to seeing things like that...
The other day I realized again how every lesson in Relief Society can lead back to a discussion on marriage. Our lesson on helping the elderly was really just a lesson on marriage in disguise...Can I go back to nursery yet?
Spring Creek has been growing on me more and more. I'm not saying that I could ever live in such a small town, but the people here are definitely awesome! Members come with us to most of the lessons we have and it's been great seeing people begin to feel the excitement of missionary work. The people that aren't interested 99% of the time are still nice and will have a conversation with us. As we've been working hard all day long we have seen so many miracles throughout the week. Here are some that I wrote down in my planner (we write them down every night):
Miracle from last Monday: We finally got to meet with a less active family that we've been trying to contact!
Miracle from Tuesday: We had a delicious lunch at Costa Vida and then we got to meet with an investigator that we haven't gotten to meet with in a while!
Miracle from Wednesday: We had dinner with this amazing member! She's pretty awesome, she's like my 4th or 5th grandma or something :) She has an amazing testimony he is getting ready to go on her mission to the Family History Center
Miracle from Thursday: We got a text out of nowhere from someone that we didn't know asking us if they could give us information so that their daughter could start going to Young Women
Miracle from Friday: We've been teaching this awesome 7 year old named Daisy. Her family is super active in the church and they came to us and asked if we could teach her in preparation for baptism. It's been helping us a ton because we're teaching an 8 year old whose family is less active and we've really been learning how to teach simply. We had dinner with Daisy's family last week and it was great! Afterward Daisy tried to repay us each for teaching her by giving us each a dollar. She was adamant that we should take the money but we finally convinced her to keep it and just color us a picture or something instead. Daisy is super awesome!
Miracle from Saturday: We had some delicious burgers for dinner and we also got a new investigator (kind of).
Miracle from Sunday: We had investigators and less actives that came to church! In case you were wondering, not much can make a missionary happier. We also had an amazing lesson that night with an awesome family! They're interested in learning more and they're feeding us next Sunday!

Love and miss you all!

Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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