Wednesday, April 6, 2016


So I forgot my planner today. So I seriously have no idea what happened this week. Missions really turn you into old people with all the memory loss and all. Like sometimes I forget what I say or what my companion says in a lesson. Missions really turn you into old people with all the memory loss and all. Wait...
Anyways, this week was a pretty great week! It's always a party with me and Sister Anderson. She's trying to make me girly. We did face masks this week. This is now the second time in my life that I've done face masks. She also did my makeup twice this week (and it looked pretty good!) and did my hair a couple times. I guess she's just preparing me for BYU haha.
The end of the month is really a struggle. We run out of miles, we run out of MSF. Basically we're poor and don't have a car :( we walked a ton!! Wednesday we walked for at least 6 hours straight. A miracle did happen though! We stood outside this potential investigator's house and prayed that she would be home and would invite us in so we could talk to her and also so that we could rest our feet for a minute. She opened the door and invited us in and that was when I again realized God is a God of miracles. However, as we sat there she started talking about all the mice she's been having in her apartment recently and how her furniture has been infested with cockroaches. So that's kinda extremely disgusting. Y'all know I was tired though cuz I remained on that couch for a solid 10 minutes longer as we talked to her. Anyways, miracles can't all last forever I guess.
We had an amazing training this week! It's called Mission Leadership Council and it's basically the best thing ever. I was terrified for it but it wasn't really that bad. Basically all of the zone leaders and sister training leaders meet with President and his wife and the assistants and we receive trainings from 9-3. We learned so many good things, so many prayers were answered, and pizza was served. It pretty much can't get better than that. The only downside was I was called on right as I began to zone out so I didn't know what the question was and Sister Anderson was luckily there to point out what part of PMG they were talking about. Awkward. Sister Anderson and I also have to give a training tomorrow to the zone so that should be interesting. Ya, we could use your prayers.
Also, worst April Fools joke ever...MLC was on April Fools day so President led us to believe for a couple minutes that we were getting iPads :( sadly they are still not here.
Then of course General Conference was amazing!!! General Conference is pretty much the best thing ever. I've truly seen that as you go into Conference with a question you receive so many answers and so much insight! I think my favorite line from conference was what Elder Holland said about the ice cream that follows conference. Ok, I guess that was pretty great but probably not the most inspiring. My favorite was when President Monson talked about choosing the harder right rather than the easier wrong. That really goes with so many things in our lives and I really love how simple but powerful his talk was.
By the way, favorite talks: Eyring, Hales, Holland, Monson, Renlund, Waddell. Y'all know I'm OCD and had to put those in alphabetical order. Anyways...
There's really not a whole lot else I can think about from this week. I hope y'all have a great week! 
I love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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