Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hump Day!

Hello everyone! Welp, I learned that Spring Break really isn't the best when you're not on Spring Break. I'm pretty sure everyone is out of town this week! It's been crazy trying to visit people and find people to come out with us. I did feel like I was on Spring Break though with how often I got burnt. I got burnt and then it turned to tan and then I got burnt and then it turned to tan and then I got burnt and it's slowly starting to tan. And now it's snowing. So ya, Nevada's crazy. Anyways, it was still a good week! To start with, Sister Anderson and I are companions now!! So it's basically a party everyday. We're so much alike it's crazy!
Anyways we'll start with Monday because that was a crazy day. When we got home to finish packing Sister Finch's stuff, I managed to somehow hit the curb just right at 5 miles an hour and ended up getting a flat tire. Honestly, I blame the mission. They're the ones that decided to give me a Chevy Malibu even after what happened to the last one. It was even the same tire and everything. Anyways, after the Lakeside sisters showed up to help us we got the donut on and went to the shop to get our tire replaced. When we got there, the mission decided that they wanted all 4 tires changed. So we were there for a solid 3-4 hours :(
The rest of the week was much better though! On Tuesday we had transfers and then I was in a trio with Sister Anderson and Sister Finch. Wednesday morning we dropped Sister Finch off at the mission office so she could take the long ride out to Elko. 
Wednesday night we had dinner with Sister Jones. She ended up taking us to In n Out (for the second time in my life) and it was pretty fun! It was crazy because on the car ride there it somehow came up that Sister Wanda Jones and I both know the Nolands and then I learned that they are really good friends. Turns out Sister Jones played a part in bringing the Nolands the gospel, so that's pretty awesome. She also went on a mission with Sister Anderson's grandma and sister, so she's basically connected to everyone.
Anyways, not much else I can think of this week. I hope yall have a great week!
Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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