Tuesday, March 8, 2016

8 Months in the Field!

This week was a pretty great week! The week started off pretty normal with some added excitement about all of the baptisms that we had coming up. Then on Thursday we were napping during lunch when we got a call from President. For those of you that don't know, that's usually not a good sign. He then told me that he got me a new companion, Sister Finch! She's pretty awesome. My first night on the mission I spent the night with her and her companion and Sister Paul before we went out to the east side, so I kinda already knew her. So we got that news on Thursday and then Friday we were companions. It was really sad leaving the trio because trios are a party but it's been fun being companions with Sister Finch. Well, actually that's a lie, but only because I've been sick the entire time. So I found out I have Ebola. Just kidding, but I'm not sure how I could feel more like death...**knock on wood**. Basically it's the flu I think. I'm not sure. My brain may just explode from all of the drugs that I've been taking. My voice Friday and Saturday sounded completely like a man and then Sunday my voice went away and now my voice just sounds kinda scratchy. I tell ya, there were so many people that we contacted while I was sick that either offered me medicine or a blessing. We decided to just go in early Saturday and stay in Sunday so that we wouldn't cause an epidemic. Yesterday we stayed home from church sick. Basically I'm less active. This is the 5th time that I've missed church in the ward I'm assigned on my mission. This is the 3rd time in this area alone due to me or my companion being sick!
Anyways other than dying this week, we had 2 baptisms! Well, one baptism, but two investigators got baptized :) it was so great! Ever since I met Reece he's been talking about his baptism and I've been teaching Justin from the beginning, so it was awesome to actually see them get baptized! 
As my head is on the verge of implosion, I can't really think of a whole lot else that happened. Oh we did see this one guy that was clearly affected by some drug or other and he called us over to talk to him and this other lady and it was dark and he kept going on and on about there being vampires in the trees. I'm pretty sure his exact words were "I'm serious, watch out for the trees man...you need some garlic or somethin." People are crazy. Anyways I'll make up for my lack of things to talk about through some pictures!
Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)
P.S Apologies if this doesn't make sense...

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