Wednesday, March 23, 2016

It's Spring!

Hello everyone!
This week has been a little crazy! Yet again, I'll try to remember what all happened this week. My birthday was great! When we were at our district meeting on Tuesday, Sister Chesnut showed up at the church with a cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. Sister Chesnut is the best!! :) That afternoon I celebrated my birthday by scrubbing someone's floors. Party!! That night for dinner Sister Wanlass ordered Papa Johns and I opened my presents and such. Basically it was the best birthday dinner I could've asked for :) That night I went on exchanges with Sister Anderson and we had soo much fun!
On Friday we roadtripped out to Dayton to get all of Sister Finch's stuff. Just so yall know, they give us tiny pieces of the transfer puzzle at a time and it's very stressful. On Friday we just got a call from the APs telling us that we had to get all of Sister Finch's stuff in Dayton (which is an hour-hour and a half drive) and that she wouldn't be going back to Dayton. So we did that and then we spent the rest of the weekend stressing over transfers. Then during Sacrament meeting on Sunday, we checked the phone and realized that President was calling us. Not ever a good sign.
Which brings me to the big news. Sunday night we found out that Sister Anderson is my new companion!!!!! I'm so excited :) the even crazier news is that I'm staying in the Mt Rose ward (for my 5th transfer now) and the craziest news is that I'm going to be a Sister Training Leader (that's what President called me about). For those of you wondering, I don't even know how to be a missionary. So being a Sister Training Leader is going to be a struggle. And I am completely surprised that I am staying in this ward! It's going to be so hard leaving this ward! I love it so much :) But it'll be great because I'll get to be here for the baptism in a couple weeks. And I'll spend another General Conference in this ward :)
Also, more crazy news! Sister Finch is going to Spring Creek! She'll be with Sister Gali. I guess I'll just send all of my companions to Spring Creek :) haha
Anyways there's not a whole lot else that I can think of. Here's the quote of the week:
Sis Finch: Why do people say gingers have no soul?
Me: We do have souls, lots of souls. Every freckle is for a soul I've stolen.
And a more serious quote:
It's harder to live the gospel 99% of the time than it is to live the gospel 100% of the time because that 1% will drag you down.
Also, miracle of the week: one of the elders found my flashdrive! Somehow it ended up at his apartment...? Anyways, he found it and gave it to me and my life was basically just made. Miracles do happen!! :D
Love and miss you all!

Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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