Monday, May 9, 2016

Another Transfer and Hello Family!

From 5/9/16 (Yoohoo! Hello Family!):

Hello everyone! So I just talked to a lot of you yesterday but there were some pretty great things that happened this week that I didn't talk about.
On Monday night we were doing our daily planning and were trying to figure out what to teach Kimberly, one of our investigators, the next day. All of a sudden I felt that we should read Alma 32 with her and when I told Sister Anderson she started freaking out. That morning during personal study she had studied Alma 32 and felt really strongly as she read it that we should read that with Kimberly but then she forgot to tell me and forgot about the experience. So it was awesome to recognize that prompting!
On Tuesday we picked up a new sister and she spent the night with us. After we picked her up we learned that not only was she new to the mission field, she was new to the mission! Turns out, she didn't go to the MTC. Her call letter told her to report directly to the mission office. So it was fun getting to be with her on her very first day!
On Wednesday we had sopes again. Sopes are basically the best thing ever!
On Thursday we went to the food bank and got to volunteer there! When we got there I realized it was the same food bank that I went to the first day in this area and that I haven't been back since. So that was really fun! While we were there it suddenly started down pouring! It was raining so hard and the parking lot we were standing in started to flood a little bit. So it got to the point where 10 of us were crowded under this tent, standing on these crates that held peppers and cherries. Nevada weather is pretty crazy! Luckily our car wasn't too far away :)
Yesterday we had a family that we just started teaching come to church!!! We were so excited! They only could stay for the first hour, but hey, that's a miracle enough for me!
Also I've been in the field for 10 months now..? Super weird! And I've spent 7 months of that in this area haha.
Welp this week we have MLC and the mission department will be there to train us! It should be super cool but I'm also super nervous to be trained by a general authority!
Sister Anderson's birthday is tomorrow :) she's turning 20! She's so old.. haha. But I'm super excited because a member is taking us to dinner at Texas Roadhouse!! :) I haven't had that since before the mission so I'm very excited! (Also, from that comment you may think that's what I want the day I get home from my mission, but it's not. I really need some Chick fil A. Nevada is so sad :( anyways...)
Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)
P.S. Sorry I have pictures but I forgot my you'll have to wait for pictures til next week :)

From 5/2/16 (Another Transfer):

Hello! This week was pretty great! And it all topped off with some crazy transfer news...I'm staying!? It's super weird. We all expected this time that I'd be leaving. President even told me that he stood there with the transfer cards in his hands trying to decide where to send me and who to replace me with and he felt prompted that I needed to stay here another transfer. So Sister Anderson and I will be staying together again :D
So update on our crazy guy. We passed him off to the elders on Tuesday and they set up a lesson with him. Within 5 minutes though he called them back and said he didn't want to meet. Turns out he's not interested in the gospel. Who knew?!
So I'm going to be honest, we never bike. Biking is the worst. This week, however, we were incredibly desperate because of our lack of miles, and we ended up biking. For 20 miles. In one day. Needless to say, it was a little difficult to walk the next morning. The good thing is I only kinda ruined my skirt, I didn't get a tan line from my helmet, and it waited to rain until after we got back to our car.
On Saturday we spent the end of our dinner at the ward cake auction. While we were sitting there someone shared some cookies with us and then a member of the ward bought us a cake #victory...This is why sisters gain so much weight on the mission...
In other news, Sister Anderson told God to plug his nose this week. What happened is she had the tiniest burp ever while she was saying the prayer and said "ooh plug your nose," which led me to die laughing for a few minutes :)
On Sunday we had to make brownies for Why I Believe and while we were sitting in Relief Society we both got super excited about getting to lick the bowl as we made them. Wow y'all are going to think we're so fat. I promise I've not gained that much weight on the mission.
This lady in our ward recently went through the temple to receive her endowments. During testimony meeting she was talking about all of the work she's been able to do for her family recently. She said that she told her husband the other day that she's just waiting for him to kick the bucket so she can do his work too.
Welp sorry not a lot happened this week. Well, other than lots of changes to missionaries that none of you would really care about but change things up here a ton! Have a great week! :)
Love y'all! Talk to you Sunday :)
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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