Sunday, May 1, 2016

10 Months :)

Hello! This week was a great week! There were some crazy miracles! We were out walking around after a lesson and this lady pulled up next to us. Turns out it was a lady that Sister Anderson had taught in Lakeside ward that recently moved here. She asked us to come by and teach her son sometime, and he's not a member. The lady drove away and as Sister Anderson was explaining to me who that was we had another miracle! I saw this lady walk by a little ways ahead of us and she was one of our solid investigators that disappeared a few weeks ago. So I kinda chased her down and scared her to death but then we started talking and set up a time to go see her.
We had exchanges again this week! This was our last exchange. The last couple weeks have been so crazy since we decided to do all of our exchanges within basically a week. This week I stayed in our area with Sister Meyer. She was in the trio with me and Sister Anderson last transfer :) it was a pretty great day! We ended up helping people move out of their apartment for a couple hours and that was fun!
We also met with our solid investigator a couple times this week. He's so accepting of everything we teach and is set to be baptized here in a month or so :) or so we since we started teaching him we've noticed that he may like Sister Anderson. We prayed about it and felt like we should continue teaching him, which is weird because of Sunday. Sunday he came to church and sat by us (we made sure that I was between them) and then he stayed for the second hour as well. Partway through that class he asked us to come in the hall with him (well, he asked Sister Anderson and I followed) and he talked to us for a minute. He basically suggested that they go on a date, which was weird, but the weirdest part was when we got a text during Relief Society asking us if Sister Anderson is married. So we called the zone leaders cuz, ya know, we're not looking to date 35 year old men while we're on our missions (or ever for that matter).
Oh we also prayed over someone's dying sister this week. So that was basically one of the saddest moments of my life. I made Sister Anderson say the prayer since she made me say it last time.
Anyways, aside from the interesting things of this week, I thought I'd mention some of my recent life accomplishments:
1. I ate pasta 4 times last week. When we ate spaghetti I got seconds (so basically I ate everyone else's normal portion or spaghetti).
2. I really like tamales and sope. I'm just waiting for the day that I become an hermana.
3. One day last week 6 of our 7 appointments cancelled, we walked in the rain the entire day, our dinner fed us pasta and we still had fun.
4. I didn't drink any soda yesterday.
5. I pet at least 2 dogs last week and only kicked 1. If that's not an accomplishment, I don't know what is.
I hope y'all have a great week :) have fun picking up Elder Gootee :)
Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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