Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Another Transfer

Hi everyone! :)
First off, I'll tell y'all the transfer news. So many things are changing! So we've been serving in the Sierra Highlands, Peavine, and Mogul wards for the last couple weeks. Now I'll be in the Sierra Highlands ward with a new companion, Sister Balbuena. Sister Muhlestein will be staying in the Peavine and Mogul wards with a new companion, Sister Wakefield. They served together in Elko so they're super excited to serve together again! Sister Monsivais is going to Sparks.
This week we had some awesome lessons! So last transfer Sister Muhlestein and Sister Paul were tracting and prayed to know of where to go. They decided to knock on this door because they had cool patio furniture and they ended up talking to this family's teenage son and he told them to come back and teach them. The next time they came by they ended up talking to only the dad and the next time only the mom, Kasey. A week or so ago we ran into this family and set up a time to teach them. We went by for our lesson and they were super open! Each of the times that the sisters had talked to them in the past, they had been given a pamphlet and they had read all 3 of the pamphlets! So we were super excited about that and we spent the lesson answering their questions and briefly teaching the restoration. At the end we were talking about the Book of Mormon and Kasey told us that a few weeks ago a guy had come by and was selling Books of Mormon. We were super confused and then they remembered that he was selling church magazines but left a Book of Mormon on their porch. So here's what happened!!! My first day in this area, we were walking to this investigator's house to give him a copy of the Book of Mormon with Sister Muhlestein and Sister Paul's testimonies in it. As we were walking up, this guy came up and tried to sell us church magazines. We told him we didn't have money but we had a book that he could have if he wanted it and he accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon. Unfortunately, the only copy of the Book of Mormon we had on us to give away was the copy with their testimonies in the back. So we gave it to him, hoping that one day he would read it. Then he went back to knocking on doors and the first door he knocked on was Kasey's door! As he was leaving a note, he set the Book of Mormon down on their patio and forgot it as he left. To make a long story short, Kasey still had the copy of the Book of Mormon with the testimonies in it! It's crazy to see how God works!! :)
Saturday morning we texted a bunch of the people we've been teaching to see if they needed a ride for church the next day. As we headed out to some lessons, our 10:00 cancelled so we were trying to figure out which of the people we had written down to try first. Then, this less-active sister that recently moved in texted us and said she wouldn't be able to come and wasn't doing well. We asked if she needed a blessing and she said yes but wanted us there. We had a lesson at 11 so we had to find someone fast to come give the blessing! We ended up having 2 men in the ward respond and say they could give her a blessing in the next half hour or so. When we went by she was so grateful! The Spirit was so strong and she began feeling a little better almost immediately. It's great to have worthy priesthood holders ready to serve with such short notice on a Saturday morning! :)
Last night we had Why I Believe! I'm trying to set a record for the number of transfers in a row that you can go to Why I Believe at the Golconda stake center haha. Anyways, I got to see Sister Anderson and our amazing investigator Jon! He's getting baptized a week from Saturday! Another one of our investigators, Beverly, is getting baptized on the 20th! Jessica, one of our recent converts, is planning on getting her temple recommend soon and going to the temple! :) I love the Mt Rose ward!! :)
Anyways, sorry for this novel of a letter! Oh wait! Can't leave out my recent life accomplishment: We were at the Kiwanis bike shop fixing bikes and this spider crawled out of the chain of the bike I was working on. So I killed it with a screw driver. I was pretty proud of myself.
Love and miss you all!
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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