Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Hello! This week was a little crazy! Well it feels crazy..but I can't remember a lot of what happened this week. So maybe it's just me that's crazy. Or maybe all of the forgetfulness of the older members of my ward is just wearing off on me.
Anyways, this last week we had a shortened P-day which was sad but we got to go to the temple on Thursday, so I guess that makes up for it :) well, that temple trip started out interesting. We were pulling into the parking lot when Sister Wright pulled her temple recommend out and I realized that I didn't have mine on me. I had left it in our car and we were carpooling with the other sisters. So we went into the temple and there was one elder that had forgotten his too, so we had to wait for the temple president to come out. Luckily name tags and the trust of your mission president is enough to get you into the temple. Basically he looked at us and then looked at the mission president and said "I think they're good" and President said "I think so too" and we went in. I was glad that I didn't have to just sit in the temple lobby for 2 hours :) anyway, our temple trips are always planned right when I need them. It was great to be able to relax and feel the Spirit that is so strong there.
In other news, the Book of Mormon musical came into town last week. Not very many people have brought it up but it was sold out before many people even knew it was coming into town so we know a ton of people are going to see it. While we were sitting at Chili's the other day our server came up to us and was telling us that he saw the musical and that it put us in a really good light...doubtful...but anyways at least he didn't try to bash with us.
This week we met some guy from Morocco when we were out street contacting. We taught him a couple days later and he's preparing to be baptized on March 26. People are truly being prepared by God to receive our message. He read the restoration pamphlet in the couple days between us first meeting and his first lesson even though he had to translate a lot of it into French. We're working on getting him some French pamphlets and Book of Mormon. To keep you up to speed, we now are teaching a French investigator, Mandarin investigator, Samoan less-active family, and much of the area we serve in is Spanish speaking. I'm bilingual as long as I don't try to speak to people in Spanish, because that's the point when I forget all words in any language. So that's fun.
Justin's still amazing. And so is Reece. They're the ones that are being baptized on the 5th. Every time we go to a lesson, Justin reminds us about the 5th. Reece and Justin are both probably considered more active than the kids in their primary and young men classes. They both come almost every Sunday and they both go to Tuesday night activities as well. They both also have active family members that are coming in town to baptize them.
Also, Valentine's Day may just be the most difficult evening to proselyte on. Basically planning was us trying to figure out what single active sisters we could visit. So not a lot of missionary work done that night :(
Anyways, I know you miss my face so this is what I look like. Sorry guys I still look the same haha. But this is my zone and Sister Wright is the one in purple.
Sister Ashley Gootee :)

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